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Review: 'Doctor Strange' Is Pure Magic

In a year that sees Disney sitting atop the box office charts with the four highest-grossing films worldwide, with two more likely top-grossing contenders waiting in the wings (Moanaand Rogue One: A Star Wars Story), and with more than $4.7 billion in global receipts so far (with another likely $3 billion to come), the studio’s next potential blockbuster franchise is just around the corner. Marvel’s Phase 3 kicked off this summer with the release of Captain America: Civil War, taking $1.15 billion at the box office, and now the MCU’s next entry arrives November 4th when Doctor Strange hits theaters. With a mix of popular superhero and fantasy elements plus the seemingly invincible Marvel branding, the film looks headed for a successful run with positive critical and audience reception. But can it conjure up better-than-anticipated numbers, or will it play like a lower-performing launch for a less well-known character?
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Tracking already points to an initial foreign debut (in less than half of its overseas markets) this week in the range of $60-65 million, as a lead-in to its domestic opening and wider release overseas the following weekend. In North America, I expect Doctor Strange to perform to the tune of perhaps $70 million. It could open higher if the reviews remain as positive as they are so far (it’s Rotten Tomatoes score as of this writing is an impressive 98%) and audiences give it the usual high grade we see for Marvel’s movies.
As I discussed in more detail the other day, the fantasy elements should help the film perform particularly well overseas, as will the star power of Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role. I’m also inclined to think the proximity to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them will help Doctor Strange, since interest in the magical fantasy elements of J.K. Rowling’s franchise will have an overall effect of making audiences more eager and interested in similar elements obvious in Marvel’s film. That it plays to the magical fantasy audience, but offers something uniquely different, works to its advantage, and many people will see it as a chance to get an early dose of fantasy before Rowling’s movie arrives in theaters. Meanwhile, those who perhaps skip Doctor Strange in early weeks could be compelled to seek it out later if Fantastic Beasts excites them and leaves them enthusiastic for more, or if that film instead leaves them unsatisfied and so they seek something else to provide what was lacking.
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It will obviously benefit from superhero cinema’s popularity (and if you doubt the strength of this, look at the box office cume for Suicide Squad — $745 million despite bad reviews, constant “it’ll never be successful” talking points from its detractors and the media overall, and after so many months of summer superhero releases). It will benefit from positive reviews (I think the final Rotten Tomato score will probably drop below 90%, but that it’ll still retain overall highly positive reception). It will benefit from the popularity of big-budget, high-quality fantasy/magic genre storytelling. It will benefit from having a significant portion of the movie set in Asian locales. And it will benefit from the Marvel branding, since I think at this point Marvel releases are generally not going to make less than $500 million anymore.
I think it’s reasonable to expect Doctor Strange to have at least a domestic multiplier around 2.5-3x, but it could go higher depending on how strong word of mouth is. And I think it’s reasonable to expect it’ll open domestically in the $60-80 million range. So a modest estimate might be $175-195 million domestically, which according to typical performance would translate into perhaps $265-300 million foreign and a low-to-modest-range global total in the $440-495 million range. But an opening closer to the higher-end of estimates — say around $80 million — and a 3.1x multiplier like Ant-Man would lead to a worldwide figure more in the $600 million range. Finally, a slightly better foreign percentage of the final cume could bump it up into the $680-700 million range.
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I don’t believe Doctor Strange will perform to the lower end of estimates and multipliers, for a variety of reasons spelled out above, plus the simple fact of how good it is (which I’ll get to momentarily in my full review). Meaning we aren’t realistically going to see a figure lower than $500 million. We are still a week away from its wide release, so we should have better tracking numbers soon, and we will get some early foreign receipt data when it opens in a more than 30 territories this week. But for now, I’ll say I expect it to perform somewhere in the $600+ million range, with $550 million being a modest lower-end estimate in my mind and $650-700 million being a higher-end estimate at the moment.
However, I want to note that there is serious potential for Doctor Strange to overperform in a big way in Asian markets, and we’ll have a good early indication from this week’s numbers and its opening next weekend in China. If those numbers are robust and it enjoys a strong second-week hold, that will bode well for it making a run at the $700 million range.
The deciding factor, as always, is just how good it is and how well audiences respond. In that regard, Doctor Strange has its strongest card to play — read on for my full review!
Doctor Strange is probably the best MCU origin film since Iron Man, it has the best visuals of any MCU film to date (perhaps Guardians of the Galaxy matches it), and it defies expectations to deliver a superhero origin story firmly straddling the lines between the superhero genre, Kung Fu cinema, the occult-horror subgenre, and magic/fantasy pictures. It’s part Iron Man, part The Matrix, part The Conjuring, and part Harry Potter. Now throw in a dash of Inception, a pinch of Nightmare on Elm Street, a hint of Hero, and then stir well in a big Marvel bowl. This is among my personal favorite Marvel films, and one of the top-5 best of the MCU.
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Director/writer Scott Derrickson and his co-screenwriters Jon Spaihts and C. Robet Cargill have created a delightfully faithful adaptation of the classic comic book character and his weird, warped world of occult magic. They smartly give every character not just a personality but a worldview, a past, and relationships to define them as more than just supporting players serving their role in a superhero origin tale. It’s a world with lots of little background details and history that make it come to life and seem richer, more real, similar to John Wick’s world-building — it’s as if this entire world and characters already existed, and we’re just stumbling upon it along with Stephen Strange.
Derrickson was the perfect choice to helm Doctor Strange, bringing some of the finest sensibilities in modern horror filmmaking to bear on the project. The opening act feels very much like a fantasy-horror film, in fact, and Strange’s early scenes through his accident and subsequent emotional breakdown could be straight out of a Stephen King picture. I became a huge fan of Derrickson’s work after seeing Sinister (one of the best horror films ever made), and when planning for Doctor Strange started being mentioned publicly by Marvel I immediately put Derrickson atop my personal list of the best directorial choices for the project.
Much of the critical praise for Doctor Strange focuses on its eye-popping visual treats, and indeed they are amazing and unlike anything you’ve previously seen in the MCU or superhero cinema. But I disagree strongly with the various reviews calling it “safe,” “formulaic,” and otherwise supposedly lacking in stronger story and characterization with any unique approach that defies what we’ve come to expect from the genre and from the MCU in particular. I’ll start by discussing the depth of character and philosophy in Doctor Strange, and then talk in a broad sense — careful to avoid spoilers — about other ways the film defies conventions of the genre.
Benedict Cumberbatch makes the titular role his own, with an emotional performance that’s frankly one of his best to date. That it compares so favorably to even his more overtly dramatic “serious” roles speaks to how everyone involved in this project poured every drop of their talent into it. Doctor Strange’s character arc is not as simple as I’ve seen implied in most other reviews. In fact, like the very best of Marvel’s characters thus far, he is a man who overcomes certain character flaws and has a change of heart on one level, yet those faults go much deeper and influence him in far more crucial ways that will have longterm ramifications. It’s important to note how the film begins by demonstrating Strange’s limited perspective when it comes to means and ends. The success of a particular surgical procedure outweighs the risks, in his view, and he is absolutely certain of the successful outcome so he dismisses the risks as long as he cannot see them.
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This is a sign of his overall egotism, but far more telling is that even his vast knowledge and experience aren’t enough to allow him to perceive the intangible possibilities when they conflict with his dominant perspective. Much of the story is about Strange overcoming this shortsightedness when it comes to realizing he has access to a whole other level of power and potential within himself, but we see the same flaw manifest again late in the film and leaving unanswered questions that call back to that early scene of surgical risk-taking. It’s a plot point reflecting a theme we’ll see revisited in future Doctor Strange outings, without any doubt, as will be more obvious once you see the entire film.
Watching the film explore Strange’s enlightenment on one hand, while showing the conflict between his expanded perception and his tendency to reapply that wider view to his existing mindset, is interesting. Strange is a good man on one level, and a dangerously narcissistic one on another level. These two competing versions of his self are in fact less “competing” and more “complimentary” a lot of the time, so Strange has trouble distinguishing between when they are in conflict, when they are mutually reinforcing, and when they are symbiotic without needing to be so.
This is why the Ancient One was reluctant to teach Strange, she could see the danger in a man whose best instincts and self are still so closely aligned with seeing the best outcome as the one most reflecting his egocentric self-assuredness. Rules matter less to him than results, and results are idealized in his mind’s eye when they are a reflection of his own ability and success even at great risk to everyone around him. And the more he perceives an outcome as desirable, the less he can perceive the importance of the rules and risks.
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Some of this is similar to Tony Stark, except Stark’s own internal struggle and transformations are rooted in constant guilt and transfer of that guilt without denying or even caring to directly confront his narcissism. Strange, in contrast, is under the impression — partially true, mind you — that he is resisting and overcoming his self-centeredness. The behavioral outcome changes, and to Strange that is a sign of his transformation, making him increasingly less likely to perceive when his egotism is governing his views and behavior. Again, this speaks to the recurring theme of being blind to risks if the outcome seems to suit him. It’s particularly notable if and when risks might not be evident or manifest in obvious ways.
It’s true that Strange’s arc conforms to certain expectations of genre and hero’s journey, but then again so do many other character arcs and stories where there are also deeper layers and more to be contemplated than the usual heroic arc. Strange’s, like Stark’s, stands out in the MCU precisely because it is at once such a powerful transformation and yet so many flaws remain. Much of the transformation is a restructuring of some of the same traits and flaws, rearranging them into something new that is stronger in certain places yet just as weak — perhaps weaker — in others. It’s a point reflected even in the magic and spells of the film, where certain simple things turn out to have far greater consequences and something else of seeming vast potential and dominion can become contained and lose its power, all depending on how the elements are combined and used.
Tilda Swinton gives an inspired performance as The Ancient One, seemingly restrained and calculating but offering glimpses of anticipation and hope as she tries to overcome her doubts about Strange and helps him finally achieve enlightenment. When we’re allowed to see past her external defenses, it’s a touching moment of unexpected, inspired delicacy. The Ancient One serves as a teacher and moral guide, skeptical of Strange and willing to push him to choose between death or progress in his attempts to master the mystic arts.
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However, there is more to this character than meets the eye, and I don’t want to say too much lest I risk entering spoilerish territory. I’ll instead note that she has an agenda and a perspective both unique and reflecting those around her, and that it is better to speak of her in in broader terms as we consider the other characters in the story. But suffice to say, her arc comes full circle and delivers more than merely exposition about magic and training. I’ll also have more to say about this character later in my review, by the way, in relation to the controversy surrounding her.
Chiwetel Ejiofor as Mordo is as fabulous as you’d expect, and then some. He is already a complicated role, and Ejiofor’s tremendous talents turn this into a standout among all of the MCU’s supporting characters. Mordo is a man who shared many of Strange’s faults — particularly stubbornness, obsession, and egotism. Like Strange, he too thinks he’s overcome his demons and flaws, but he’s merely redirected them into something else. He is helping battle the film’s villainous Zealots, but he has in truth become a zealot himself. Absolutist and operating under the pretense of purity, Mordo demands those around him live up to his idealized view of magic and the natural world. Anything less, and… well, let’s just say Mordo’s not the most forgiving guy when he feels let down.
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There is a lovely tension created between Strange’s flaw of taking risks out of egotistic certainty that the ends justify the means, while Mordo’s absolutist condemnation of shortcuts, gambles, and compromises is equally flawed. Further, the Ancient One admonishes both for these flawed behaviors, she worries about the danger each man could pose due to those flaws, and yet she in some measure at various times shares those same flaws. How can it be that it’s both wrong to be absolutist against taking dangerous risks and breaking the rules for the greater good, while it’s also wrong to engage in those very risks and rule-breaking? And how can someone (the Ancient One) embody both contradicting views at the same time, and also condemn both of them at the same time?
Therein lies so much of the beauty of Doctor Strange, that it tells us we cannot always find a right answer, that things can’t always make sense, and that sometimes the contradiction between two opposing forces leads to a delicate balance where neither is totally right because an absolute answer isn’t possible in the first place. Endless dimensions and possibilities at every scale make it impossible to assert any single truth or reality dominates this world. Instead, we seek a path of balance between the many forces and elements defining our operating reality. The more we perceive and accept alternate dimensions and versions of truth, the more actual pathways we will discover, because the more options exist in tension with one another, the more lines are drawn between them to connect them and offer us more space in which to operate and find our footing. The path becomes more complex, yes, but also more defined with more choices, so that it’s a truer path instead of just a narrow predetermined line forcing us in one direction, lacking vision.
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This notion of right and wrong being difficult to perceive, and of truth being elusive because of its potential presence and absence at the same time, is brilliantly manifest in the film’s villains. Kaecilius is among the very best villains of the MCU — and of superhero cinema overall. He has a wonderful personality, with an understated sense of humor that provides some of the best laughs of the entire film. His introduction to Doctor Strange is possibly my favorite of any on-screen superhero-villain pairing to date. This is a villain who is pretty sure he’s the good guy in the story. You could in fact tweak the film just a little bit to make Kaecilius’ crew of Zealots into the superhero team, with Strange, Mordo, and the Ancient One being the villains.
Mads Mikkelsen portrays Kaecilius not as a villain, but as a man with intense certainty in the righteousness of his cause, a hint of humor and even tolerance for those who seem not to understand the truth he’s been privileged to behold. Mikkelsen’s delivery is so earnest, so honest, that when Strange starts to actually see Kaecilius’ point, we in the audience see it too. He also has probably the best ”villain meets superhero” moment of dialogue of the MCU — maybe of the superhero genre. It’s laugh-out-loud funny, and immensely quotable.
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Kaecilius is of course mistaken in his views, starting with an unfortunate faith-shaking realization which he then conflates with a much more insidious purpose and outcome, leading to a jealousy and selfishness that inspire him to seek out darker arts, and finally manifesting in his being deceived into unleashing a worse force upon the world under the pretense it will actually save humanity. It’s a compelling arc, mirroring Strange’s own in many ways, and it opens the door to several revelatory twists and turns. No other MCU villain besides Loki has played such a compellingly formative role in shaping the story and advancing not just the plot but the character arcs for the main players and the themes of the film overall.
There is a lot of philosophy underpinning the story and characters of Doctor Strange, if you open your mind and are willing to perceive it. The film is sympathetic to all of the expressed points of view, be it the Ancient One’s or Doctor Strange’s or Mordo’s or the Zealots’. Because they all have one crucial element in common — the assertion of a need to expand our perspectives, to embrace the notion of a greater good that transcends the individual, to accept our own limitations and surrender ourselves to that transcendent greater good, and to resist those whose perception is limited in a selfish way that contradicts the needs of the greater good. Each of them has some form of these beliefs, each uses this set of beliefs to justify their own actions, and every one of them violates at least one if not all of these beliefs to varying degrees at some point in the story.
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They are all zealots, to the extent they have beliefs to which they cling so strongly they are willing to compromise their own rules when confronted with a contradiction and another zealot’s beliefs. Killing or not, violating natural law or not, using forbidden power or not, putting the lives/needs of others ahead of their own or not — there are myriad different specific beliefs and ideas asserted throughout the film from one moment to another by each character, and they all behave as zealots one moment while violating the tenets of their particular belief system. Identifying a new strain of thought in their ideologies, and then following the thread through the film to find its fulfillment and its contradictions, is one of many ways to enjoy the film’s attention to detail when it comes to giving every character a thoroughly realized worldview and motivation.
It’s fascinating that both sides believe they are fighting against zealots duped by some impure figurehead who uses other people for personal evil gain, and that their own pursuits are protecting the world from danger and injustice. What makes this most fascinating is the degree to which both sides are in fact correct. While of course ultimately Kaecilius is wrong about the outcome of his plan, and while his accusations against Strange’s side are exaggerated and ignore certain context, it’s also far more complicated and he is still correct in many regards. When he says the sacrifice of individual lives is sometimes necessary for his plan because it will ultimately lead to saving far more lives, he is echoing the sentiments of Mordo and the Ancient One when they insist Kaecilius and his Zealots must be killed because it’s the only way to protect everyone else on Earth from the danger they pose. When he refers to the value of one life as meaningless in the grand scheme of things, he is also echoing Strange’s own perspective as a surgeon, and this gives Strange more than a moment of pause.
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Perhaps the least initially obvious aspect of Kaecilius’ point, but one feeding strongly into Strange’s own arc, is in regard to the Ancient One herself. Without revealing too much, I’ll say that Strange’s perception of the ends justifying the means, and of the outcome’s success blinding him to the risks, is a fault the Ancient One can relate to far better than she ever admits to him or to herself. The linkage to Strange and the film’s larger themes in this regard are subtle, and play out more in a larger scale about compromise and the notion of both sides having a valid point about the subjective nature of truth and justice, but the many threads by which these arcs and themes are connected make for great conversation and revisiting each time you see the film and discuss it with others.
(A quick note in that regard — I’ve seen the movie twice so far, and plan to see it a few more times. There’s a lot to take in, and it’s easy to be so in awe of the visuals and the performances that you perceive the most obvious and driving narrative elements on the first viewing (which is itself very satisfying) and think mostly about them, but are rewarded with a great deal more during subsequent viewings. It rewards you with a new layer, a new reveal, for every character and every visual, so I recommend treating yourself to at least a double-dose of Doctor Strange.)
Rachel McAdams portrays Christine Palmer like a surgeon in a serious drama about medicine, to ground the scientific and “real world” aspects of the film in an important way. When she eventually encounters the supernaturalism of Strange’s new world, her incredulous reaction and shock resonate precisely because McAdams gives such a strong, realistic portrayal. Palmer is a surgeon who works with brain surgeon Stephen Strange before he becomes a superhero. She and Strange dated in the past, but are now just good friends, and McAdams’ performance includes a lovely, bittersweet understanding that her friend still has false hope for a romance she’s not interested in anymore. When their friendship ends on a tragic and hurtful note after Strange’s car accident and obsessive search for a way to repair his damaged hands, her reaction to his rage and cruelty is an extreme disappointment in him, and a willingness to recognize their friendship is at an impasse where the only rational choice is to walk away. She is, however, the person who tried to convince him there are many paths in life, and that expanding his horizons and his belief in what is possible would open up a new world for him. He refused this advice, his perception too narrow to even consider it, which speaks to the film’s larger themes, of course.
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However, Palmer also reflects a more complicated aspect of the film’s themes, if we look deeper. Early in the film, Strange rejects Palmer’s appeals to him to use his surgical skills in her emergency room where one life at a time is saved. He claims to only choose cases where the implications of the work and success will serve countless other patients and lives, where medical science as a whole is enriched and gains new insights. It’s a technically valid argument, and indeed some surgeons must put their talents to those pursuits for the greater good. However, that way lies pride, egotism, and the danger of forgetting the value of the individual life. Palmer tries to warn Strange of this danger, but her warnings are in vain. She is a hero in her own right, saving lives and insisting that pursuit of the greater good cannot ignore the importance of the individual, including individual moments of grace and mercy. Those small individual moments and individual people are collectively what creates the greater whole, after all. How many individual lives can one sacrifice in the name of saving the world, before there are no lives left to save?
By the way, Palmer is named after a nurse in Marvel Comics who was part of a series entitled Night Nurse featuring three nurse roommates, which later gave rise to a ”Night Nurse” character who provides medical treatment for superheroes. Eventually, this later Night Nurse had a romance with Doctor Strange. In the comics, however, Palmer herself didn’t take on the “Night Nurse” persona — one of her roommates did. And in Marvel’s live-action shared universe, Claire Temple (portrayed by Rosario Dawson on the Netflix series DaredevilJessica Jones, and Luke Cage) has played a similar role to the comic character Night Nurse. However, Marvel is going to use Night Nurse in the feature films at some point, and although there are no immediate plans for Palmer to become the MCU’s Night Nurse, things seem headed in that direction eventually. Meaning she’ll probably also have a relationship with Strange in the future, while aiding him in healing and treating other super-human characters.

The special effects and imagery of the film’s elaborate action scenes and trips into other dimensions of reality will exceed whatever expectations you have. I went in already impressed with exclusive footage I’d seen from the film and fully aware it was a feast for the eyes, and I was still blown away by all the things Marvel kept under wraps. Experiencing the movie in 3D, in Dolby Vision and IMAX, is the only way to go, folks. This is one of the rare films where the 3D provides a magnificent, immersive experience beyond what you’re used to in superhero 3D movies. I typically either note that the 3D isn’t a big deal either way, or just don’t really discuss it, for most superhero releases these days, but Doctor Strangemakes full use of it, and it’s well worth the added price for that treat.
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There are so many moments that will leave you breathless. One battle involves time running backward in the city streets while our heroes and villains do battle amid the reversing chaos. It’s a spectacular, jaw-dropping sequence — the entire setting rewinding around them, the main characters disoriented, dodging, and trying to fight without becoming caught up in the backward flow of buildings, cars, flames, and so on — and it surpasses anything you’ve seen in the trailer so far, including those impressive visuals of New York seeming to fold in on itself.
While you’ve seen some footage in the trailers of Doctor Strange’s initial mind-bending visit to alternate dimensions and he’s sent sailing through time and space, trust me that the film holds far more in store in that regard, including a sequence like some sort of psychedelic 1970s black-velvet poster viewed under blacklight by a college kid deep into an LSD experience. You’ve no doubt heard this already from plenty of other reviews, but it bears saying again because it’s totally true — all elements of an early Stan Lee-Steve Ditko comic book are here, with images pulled directly from the pages of those iconic comic book stories.
It is a masterpiece of comic book cinema in pure visual terms, and nothing else thus far in the genre compares. Those trailer images of the city twisting and turning into itself are actually from a couple of much larger action set-pieces that go beyond Inception-like building-inversion. Each of these sequences are breathtaking in their own right, and the combination of them in a single film is even more impressive. Add to this the backward sequence (I cannot stress enough how exceptional it is, both in audacious conception and in visually thrilling execution), mix in the trips into other dimensions of time and space, and then combine all of that with the constant “regular” scenes of magic — spells, fire, energy, flying, and so on — and we’re talking about one of the most energized, gorgeous, spectacularly effects-laden pictures f the year. And of the genre. And of the past several years, at least.
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Doctor Strange joins the list of films from which will come the final nominees for Best Visual Effects come Oscar time — The Jungle BookRogue One: A Star Wars StoryCaptain America: Civil WarFantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemSullyA Monster Calls, and perhaps Independence Day: Resurgence. I’m willing to bet The Jungle BookRogue OneDoctor Strange, and Fantastic Beasts are all locks for a nomination at this point, leaving the rest to battle it out for the remaining two nominee slots.
This is a good place to mention that, while the film is indeed filled with incredible imagery and fantastic visual effects, it doesn’t merely repeat or mimic what you’ve seen before on film, and more to the point the big action set-pieces avoid many of the things we’ve come to expect in superhero movies and blockbuster action in general. There are unexpected turns of events within the action, some surprising outcomes, and a terrific approach to the problem of “CGI-heavy climactic battle with things falling from the sky.” We’ve seen a lot of media claims that Marvel movies rely too heavily on big CGI-spectacle climaxes, that Marvel villains are rarely memorable and lack strong points of view, that the stories follow predictable patterns, and so on — and Doctor Strange avoids all of these problems, in a big way. Which makes me wonder why so many of the positive reviews still fail to recognize how much the film makes precisely the sort of changes the same reviewers have been demanding for the last few years in superhero cinema.
The costumes and makeup are bold and matched for pure audaciousness and artistic allure only by Guardians of the Galaxy within the MCU. Which says a lot, obviously, in light of terrific costume and makeup work in the Thor films for example. Set designs are likewise terrific and among the best of the MCU. This speaks again to the sheer visual uniqueness and impact of Doctor Strange, and while I hate to give the false impression that the visuals are what define the uniqueness and greatness of the movie — the characters and story and themes are all terrific as well — it’s undeniable that the film deserves much praise for its aesthetic accomplishments.
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Now, having rightly applauded the film for everything it gets right, I must in fairness mention two complaints. One is minor, the other is significant and has to be mentioned if we are to speak honestly and in serious analysis of the film.
Let’s begin with the small one — the film opens with a sequence of mystery and horror, leading into elaborate action and spectacle that introduces us to magic and mysticism, after which we join Stephen Strange in the ordinary “real” world. The opening is grand and pulls you into the film immediately, and so it is understandably necessary. However, I must admit that I’d rather have been introduced to the magic and visual splendor when Strange himself first sees it. The opening magical sequence could’ve been saved as a flashback later in the film, which would add to the mystery of some missing pages Strange finds while looking through ancient magical books. Again, I understand all of the reasons for placing the magic sequence at the start, and it’s probably the right choice, but I have to mention it as the one element that I somewhat questioned as far as placement and sequencing. That said, my feelings on this decreased substantially upon second viewing, so with subsequent viewings I might entirely change my mind.
The other problem we need to address is, as you’ve probably guessed, the casting of the Ancient One as a white character instead of an Asian character. The reason for Marvel’s decision was three-fold: first, if they cast the character as Tibetan, then China would be angry and deny the validity of the casting, and the film likely would be denied a release in a nation of more than 1.3 billion people; second, if they cast the character as Chinese to make China happy, then it would anger people who didn’t want Marvel to give-in to pressure from China or ignore Tibet; and third, the concept of the Ancient One plays into certain racial stereotypes. So the studio says they were pressured from multiple angles on the matter, and decided the best choice was to simply avoid the issue entirely by having other Asian characters while changing the Ancient One to be Celtic.
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They also cast the character as female instead of male, obviously. The choice to cast the character as female is a good one, and I wholeheartedly support that change. And make no mistake, Tilda Swinton delivers an outstanding performance as the Ancient One, so this isn’t a complaint about her. But regardless of how excellent she is in the film, and how much I love this movie, I can’t ignore the truth that while Marvel offered good explanations for their thinking on the matter, the ultimate choice didn’t need to be whitewashing the character.
There is a scene in the film specifically addressing these changes within the context of pointing out the attempted subversion of Asian stereotypes, when Strange mistakes a different person for the Ancient One while thinking the real Ancient One is just a woman pouring tea. By casting a variety of other ethnicities and backgrounds for the various Masters in the film, Doctor Strange also makes the mysticism into a global phenomenon that isn’t rooted in Asian stereotypes nor dependent on the Ancient One being Asian.
Except, the casting of an Asian performer as the Ancient One could’ve been done without reinforcing stereotypes, by simply avoiding making the character behave as a stereotyped character. There are, after all, other Asian characters in the film who are mystical, and it’s possible to write an Asian magical/sorcerer character who isn’t a racist caricature — after all, there are Asian films about mystics and magic, too. Strange doesn’t go to Tibet in the film, he travels to Nepal. So the choice was already made to remove Tibet from the equation and relocate to Nepal, so any concern about offending folks who wanted Tibet represented is a non-issue anyway.  Why not cast a Nepali performer like Manisha Koirala, Lhakpa Tsamchoe, or Garima Panta, for example? The cast being diverse anyway, and the setting being Nepal anyway, it seems to me that deciding to make the leader a white person doesn’t really succeed at avoiding racial implications when that white leader is in Nepal teaching a bunch of other people of color, only to wind up handing down the mantle to the new white person who shows up.
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The whole “white guy trains with exotic foreigner and becomes the most awesome student” trope is problematic, but I don’t think the answer is to simply turn an Asian teacher into another white person, especially while otherwise retaining the Asian setting and then surrounding the white master and “chosen one” white pupil with a cast of people of color. I can understand how Marvel arrived at their decision and why they felt any choice they made was going to anger some people, and I can appreciate Swinton’s marvelous performance, while still thinking the solution wound up being a mistake. We must be willing to speak about these problems and be honest in our assessments, and hope the studios are listening and will correct the problems when future decisions are made. The world loves Marvel, and is merely asking to see its own glorious variety reflected back at it while it’s watching.
Doctor Strange has pitch-perfect pacing, one of the best casts assembled for a Marvel picture to date, the most astonishing visual effects of the MCU, and a thoughtful story embracing moral ambiguities. It captures the heart and soul of the original comics, updating them and bring them fully to life in a way fans could only dream of until now. With Captain America: Civil War and Doctor Strange, Marvel’s Phase 3 is off to a grand start that looks likely to surpass everything we’ve seen before.


إذا أعجبك محتوى مدونتنا نتمنى البقاء على تواصل دائم ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد المدونة السريع ليصلك جديد المدونة أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رساله بالضغط على الزر المجاور ...

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