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Whole grain, the whole story

The word is out… whole grain is good for us. And it’s not just a fad. So what is whole grain, exactly? Well, the clue is in the name…Whole grains are the complete grain, with all its nutrients. Unlike refined grains, nothing has been taken away.
What about white?
When grains are refined to make ‘white’ products, like white bread, and white rice and pasta, the outer parts of the grain are thrown away and only the middle section is used. It’s fine to eat refined foods – don’t panic! – they’re good for you, too. They just don't contain as many nutrients as their whole grain sibling.
  • - Bran: The fiber-rich outer layer contains protein, B vitamins and antioxidants
  • - Endosperm: The starchy bit in the middle includes protein and carbohydrates for energy, and some B vitamins
  • - Germ: Packed with nutrients, the inner part contains B vitamins and vitamin E plus minerals like magnesium, and omega-6 fatty acids.
Whole grain or not whole grain?
Grains are everywhere! Drive out into the countryside in summertime, and you’ll see fields of wheat, oats, barley and corn (for rice, which is grown in waterlogged paddy fields, you might have to travel a bit farther…). But when you’re back in town, staring at the supermarket shelves, how can you tell the whole from the not-so-whole? You may be surprised to find out that some of the foods you’d imagine to be whole grain, actually aren’t.
So, whole grains are an important part of a varied, balanced diet for your whole family – and they taste great, too! Go whole grain!


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