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Benefits of Leasing Equipment

Leasing equipment provides the lessee with all the following benefits of utilizing the equipment without having to pay the up-front costs or assuming the risk of ownership. A lease is one of the best ways for businesses to stay on top of the development curve. With so many new developments that occur (particularly in the technology areas) equipment leasing is less financially expensive. Running a business means making sound financial decisions that improve the condition and quality of a business. Equipment leasing provides such a benefit along with:

 Minimal Cash Outlay
 Overcoming Budgetary Limitations
 Avoidance of Obsolescence
 Flexibility in Terms and Equipment
 Conservation of the Business' Working Capital
 Increased Opportunities 
 Tax Benefits
 Fast Applications 
 100% Financing

The minimal cash outlay allows a business to conserve their own capital. A lease also provides for servicing equipment failures. When managing a large computer room, owning all the computer equipment would place not only the upfront cost of purchasing the equipment, but also maintenance and repair as needed. Businesses that conserve personal business capital and lines of credit can handle the more mundane day-to-day expenses and unexpected events.

Budgetary concerns over new equipment purchases can be circumvented through equipment leasing. Operating budgets tend to be more flexible than a capital budget. The lease terms can be as flexible as required and are often negotiable on an individual basis. Lease terms are usually much longer than a standard bank loan, which makes their payment terms even better. 

The ability to upgrade remains one of the best benefits of equipment leasing. Businesses grow; technology changes and the needs of both can change year to year. Equipment leasing allows businesses to benefit from developments on both sides of the aisle. Lease terms may also be structured to handle these changing situations. 

Considering this multitude of benefits for equipment leasing, it's not surprising that more and more businesses are reaching out to lease their equipment rather than purchase it. The benefits of leasing are not limited to the computer industry or to large corporations. Small businesses can benefit even more from equipment leasing than a large corporation may. 

In a contest of leasing versus buying, leasing wins most of the time. Imagine the small business that houses only two employees. Their working capital may afford a couple of PCs and some exterior accounts to host a website. When a PC in the office goes down, if they are not leasing they will need to replace the machine. In general, the cost of replacing a standard PC is significantly lower than repairing one. 

Small businesses need the ability to remain flexible, to upgrade and to keep their machines in maintenance and up to date. Even more than their corporate big brother, they need to know they will remain on the cutting edge of the industry in order to make better business decisions. A small construction company that has no access to certain types of equipment will not be able to take on more challenging jobs. The graphic's designer that doesn't have the equipment to support the latest software will find himself or herself less competitive. An accountant that doesn't have the disk space to maintain growing accounts will have to turn away business.

Leasing equipment makes sense on a variety of financial levels, but also on levels addressing future growth. The business that takes advantage of these benefits are planning two steps ahead of their own niche market and will likely avoid being trumped by their competition. So whether a business is large or small, thinking ahead provides them with opportunity. What is the best benefit a business can receive from leasing their equipment? Opportunity.

Leasing equipment provides the lessee with all the following benefits of utilizing the equipment without having to pay the up-front costs or assuming the risk of ownership. A lease is one of the best ways for businesses to stay on top of the development curve. With so many new developments that occur (particularly in the technology areas) equipment leasing is less financially expensive.

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