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6 Fun Healthy Family Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but it can be a challenge to feed the kids healthfully and get them energized for their busy days at school. If you struggle to keep breakfast both healthy and interesting for your kids, try these 5 fun family breakfast ideas.
© Nestlé

Kids love using themed and cartoon-like cups and bowls when drinking or having food. Try offering your kid whole grain cereals such as Nestlé Nesquik cereals in his/her favorite bowl or in a fun bowl with their preferred cartoon character. This would make breakfasts more interesting for kids.

© Nestlé

Create a hole in a whole-wheat toast and replace it with an egg. Kids will love this fun take on eggs and toast. Round it out with milk and fruit to create a well-balanced breakfast.

© Nestlé

Layering the ingredients in a pretty glass will make your kids think they’re eating dessert, not breakfast. Try it with yogurt and whole grain cereals; they will get a much-needed dose of calcium and a big energy boost to start off their day. You can top the dish with shopped fruits for an extra punch of fiber.
Place wholegrain bread on a baking sheet. Use scissors to cut a sun-pattern from aluminum foil and place it directly on the bread. Broil until the bread is golden brown; remove the foil. You can try it with other shapes as well.
Help your kids prepare their own sandwiches. Put together two whole wheat toasts with eggs, and liven up a boring breakfast by creating faces out of the ingredients. Better yet, give the little ones an assortment of vegetables and let them play with their food to create fun faces.

© Nestlé

Fresh fruits provide tons of vitamins and minerals and improve your kids’ overall health. Create a rainbow fruit salad using 1/4 cup of blueberry, strawberry, kiwis, bananas and fresh orange juice. Add almonds and nuts for an extra punch of protein


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