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How to see the supermoon in the UAE

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪supermoon‬‏
On Monday evening UAE residents have the chance to see the moon much bigger, brighter and closer to the Earth – appearing as a ‘supermoon’.
Hasan Ahmad Al Hariri, CEO of the Dubai Astronomy Group, said that the full moon would appear much larger in diameter because it is going to shine 30 per cent more moonlight onto the Earth. The next supermoon is expected to appear in 2034.
The biggest and brightest moon for observers in the UAE will be on Monday at 5.52pm as the moon rises.
Al Hariri said:  “The moon’s orbit around Earth is slightly elliptical so sometimes it is closer and sometimes it’s farther away. When the moon is full as it makes its closest pass to Earth it is known as a supermoon.
“At perigee — the point at which the moon is closest to Earth — the moon can be as much as 14 per cent closer to Earth than at apogee, when the moon is farthest from our planet.”
The Dubai Astronomy Group is hosting a observation event for residents to look at the moon through telescopes, which will take place from 7pm to 10pm at Mushrif Park for free.
The event will include brief explanation on the phenomena and how it happens, followed by a live view of the supermoon on a projection screen. Guests can conclude their experience with the Back to Moon planetarium show


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