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Princess Diana's niece: I envy homeless people because they know what they want to do

Princess Diana’s niece says she envies young homeless people because they “know exactly what they want to do” and “what their talents are”.
Lady Kitty Spencer, the eldest child of Charles, 9th Earl of Spencer, volunteers as an ambassador at London-based homeless charity Centrepoint.
Speaking to The Times, the 25-year-old said she struggles to find a purpose in life and admits she could live off her Instagram posts.
More than 120,000 children will be homeless this Christmas, according to homeless charity Shelter.
“The young people that have come out of Centrepoint are so focused on one thing,” said Miss Spencer, whose chores include making the teas.
“They know exactly what they want to do and what their talents are.
“So for that I envy them. I do battle with what it is that I really want to set my mind to.”

Ms Spencer, the cousin of Prince William and Prince Harry, grew up in South Africa with mother and former model Victoria Lockwood.
She is dating Italian property tycoon Niccolo Barattieri di San Pietro, who is 20 years her senior and a divorced father of three children.
Her elder brother Louis is in line to inherit the 13,000-acre Northamptonshire Althorp estate, which has been in the family for more than half a millennium.
Ms Spencer’s main job, she says, is four days a week at the charity Give Us Time, founded by International Trade Secretary Liam Fox, to help military families stay together.
“I am putting a lot of pressure on myself to figure out what exactly to do next,” said the University of Cape Town politics and psychology graduate.
“I don’t want to look back and see where I could have done more for people.
“I could be what my Instagram says and nothing more.”
<p>There are certain Princess Diana moments that will live in our memory forever—like her wedding day, with Prince Charles in that monumental silk and taffeta-lace wedding gown, or her leaving the hospital after Prince William was born. But considering that the royal English rose was practically always in the spotlight, we treasure lesser-seen moments that were captured during her tragically short lifetime. Here, find 17 beautiful images of the late Princess of Wales. </p>


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